Alb Eng
Për QIKA 1≠1

Women are being killed, while the Government remains silent!

QIKA 16.3.2021

Another woman met her death, shot by her ex husband. Cases of femicide have increased and this should frighten everyone.

Many women living in abusive relationships – characterized by constant violence – end up murdered. According to media reports, Sabahate Sopi, now a decedent, had reported her husband’s violence to the Police of Kosovo twice. We want local institutions to immediately inform people why they didn’t take the necessary precautions in order to protect the victim, just as standard procedures require.  It is not uncommon now that cases of negligence – exactly as this one – lead to dead women.

On the other side, women’s murders should not be perceived as a result of personal and domestic problems.

This kind of treatment keeps maintaining the social status quo, that considers domestic violence merely a private issue. Violence and murder against women is happening upon approval of society, which, moreover, justifies them. Femicide is infringing women’s right to live. The state is failing to secure this.  

Qendra për Informim, Kritikë dhe Aksion – QIKA
